An EICR to BS7671:2008 + A2:2022 accommodates all of the functionalities of UK Forms. All of the information and procedures described under this title are still applicable to other documents.

Once an EICR is created, UK Forms will generate five subordinate tabs, and each tab will represent one or more sections of the full document. Full report will have the following sections:

Page 1:

  • Section A        Details of the client/person ordering the report
  • Section B        Purpose of the report
  • Section C Details of the installation which is the subject of this report
  • Section D        Extent of the installation and limitations of the inspection and testing
  • Section E        Summary of the condition of the installation

Page 2:

  • Section F        Observations and recommendations for actions to be taken
  • Section G        Declaration

Page 3:

  • Section H        Schedules and additional Pages
  • Section I        Next inspection
  • Section J        Details of the electrical contractor
  • Section K        Supply characteristics and earthing arrangements
  • Section L        Particulars of installation referred to in the report

Inspection & Test Schedule:

  • Inspection schedule for distribution boards and circuits

Distribution Boards:

  • Schedule of circuit details*
  • Schedule of test results*


  • Observations details"
  • Limitations details"
  • Electrical installation condition report guidance for recipients

* These two sections will be merged if Print in two pages option is not selected.

" This section will be added only if there is a relevant item exists.