• Exclude button: This is a toggle button and a blue rectangle represents active state. If active, the active board's circuit details and test results will be excluded form the report. As a side note, this button will not exclude any other data related (if any) with the active board from the report.
  • Exclude Selected button: This button will display a list of boards available with tick boxes next to each item. You can select boards to be excluded from the report by means of tick boxes. Similar to above, this will only exclude circuit details and test results sections only.

  • Lock Design button: This is also a toggle button. If active, any changes to ElectricalOM data will be reflected to UK Forms automatically. This button is a global setting and all boards will be affected.
  • Lock Editing button: This is a toggle button and will activate the read-only mode. If this is active, you will not be able to change/modify any parameter or setting. Observations and Limitations lists will display items but they will be greyed out. This button is a global setting and all boards will be affected.
  • Calc Zs button: This button will calculate Zs values using R1+R2 and Ze data from the ElectricalOM project. Once this is applied, new values will be indicated with italic fonts and they will also be marked with * on your report.
  • Calc R1+R2 button: Similar to Calc Zs, this button will calculate the R1+R2 value using Ze and Zs values provided by ElectricalOM project. Once this is applied, new values will be indicated with italic fonts and they will also be marked with * on your report.
  • ? button: This button will create a text file incudes basic information about the system.
    • Total DBs
    • Total Circuits
    • Total Observations
    • List of DBs including their status, number of circuits and number of observations.