Tree network options menu

There are a few options that can be selected from this menu to quickly refer to some properties of the circuits without the need for any additional steps. The user can toggle these options on or off by clicking on them and ElectricalOM will display a tick next to the options set as on.

  • Show information tip: Information tip box will be displayed when the user pauses on a circuit. The circuit which the information is shown will be highlighted with a blue underlined font by ElectrcialOM.

  • Show protective devices: will display the protective device information for the circuits after their descriptions in square brackets.

If the circuit is a distribution circuit,only the device at the origin of this circuit will be shown and the incomer device will not be shown.

  • Show cable sizes: will display the cable information for the circuits after their descriptions in square brackets.

  • Show equipment type: will display the equipment type for the circuits after their descriptions in square brackets. If no equipment type is defined, then, no type description will be visible (in yellow below). See Other details Tab for details about equipment types.

  • Show load type: will display the load type for the distribution circuits after their descriptions in square brackets. Load types can be selected from Circuit Edit module.