Numbering tab will help the user to define a numbering scheme for certificates and this will be referred as the Reference No. on the Certificates List and as Certificate Reference on the certificates. Numbering will automatically update as the user creates certificates.

  • Prefix: can be used if it is required to indicate the type of the certificate.
  • Year/Month/Day boxes are used to include the creation date data within the numbering. E.g. if the date is 24/08/2022 and all date boxes are ticked, then, reference number for this certificate will be PREFIX20220824-NUMBER.
  • Next number sets the number for the next certificate to be created. This number increases in 1 step increments as new certificates are being created.

Each type of certificate can be set individually, however, the user may opt to use a single numbering scheme for all certificates by ticking the Use common numbering system box.