Palette options

Visual properties of CAD Plan Design module can be modified using Palette Options. Usage is straight forward, and settings can be reset by using the Defaults buttons.

Plan 3D settings

CAD Plan Design has the ability to display the drawing in 3D. The height information is gathered from the Properties tab. There are 2 options for ^3D view: First one, Plan 3D, will display only the electrical components of the selected layer, where the second option, Plan 3D - All figures will also display any non-electrical shapes.

3D view window has a toolbar and a side panel.

Toolbar accommodates:

  • 3D button: Switches to isometric view
  • Front button: Switches to front view.
  • Top button: Switches to top view.
  • Xref enable button: Displays/Hides any external references on the selected layer.
  • Shade button: Renders electrical components as a solid object.
  • Save scene button: Saves current view as .jpg file.

Side panel displays all the assigned circuits on the selected layer where they can be shown/hidden by means of tick boxes, and highlighted by clicking on them.


This option enables the user to attach images to the ElectricalOM file. Once clicked, this button will initiate the Image Manager. All the images used on the CAD Plan Design drawing will be displayed here, and they can be edited using a built in image editor, and removed from the drawing data using the Detach button. However, Image Manager does not insert or removed any images from the actual drawing.

CAD Plan Design also lets users to attach any image to the CAD Plan Design project, and bind it to the project file. Binding an image will save the image directly to the project file eliminating requirement of additional image files. Images attached to the project do not need to be used on the drawing.

Bring Front/Send Back

When multiple external references/images are inserted on the drawing, they may be arranged overlapping. In order to arrange external references/images these two buttons become useful. Bring front will move the selected item over other items, where Send back will move the selected item under other items.