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ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Re: Split Lighting and Power DB
« Last post by admin on 11 July 2024, 13:21 »

We are developing a feature that will allow you to overwrite the way numbering. Eventually, this will allow you to meet your requirements.

We will post here when it's ready.
ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Re: Split Lighting and Power DB
« Last post by mbd-uk on 11 July 2024, 10:28 »
Thanks for the reply Mert, but I am not sure if that will help on this occasion.
I don't believe that is how it works in both installation and testing and commissioning.
The intent of what we are doing is to issue a package of information that closely resembles actual installation.
I don't think Electrical Contractors number in this way.
I show the type of board that I am intending to design and specify.
If this If this is how EOM works, then we stumble on with the application that we have already designed and re-number the installation.
Glad its not a existing installation already numbered, if this can not be modified by the designer

ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Re: Split Lighting and Power DB
« Last post by Mert on 11 July 2024, 07:49 »

That is how EOM works, to be honest. Alternatively you can model your case using two boards, so you can have the way numbers as you wish.
ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Split Lighting and Power DB
« Last post by mbd-uk on 10 July 2024, 15:59 »
I would like to model a Three Phase Split Lighting and Power and I was using the "Extension" function as detailed on a previous post, but removing the RCD Element.
However, this is not quiet right for me as each split in individually numbered.
Ideally I would like is:
Ways: 1 - 4 Lighting Section
Ways: 5 -12 Power Section

photo attached for understanding

ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Re: Moving ATS accross switchboards
« Last post by Mert on 12 June 2024, 07:45 »
To be honest, it is not clear what you want to achieve. A picture might help, but did you try to right-click > circuit functions > disconnect and then connect again?
Unless I'm missing something your proposal is another way of deleting some of my work to then redo it.  I was hoping for something a little slicker.
ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Re: Moving ATS accross switchboards
« Last post by admin on 11 June 2024, 17:18 »

You can remove the supply cable of the open switch and reconnect the source using the switchboard functions > install power supply > From...

ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Moving ATS accross switchboards
« Last post by thood.bsec on 11 June 2024, 17:05 »
I'm currently combining two switchboards and would like to move the primary supply to an ATS from one SB to another.  I've tried a few methods and failed every time - can it be done?
The best I have managed is to copy the ATS over but this only copies the primary - do I then have to delete the original ATS and then re-supply the copied version with a new secondary supply?
ElectricalOM for Advanced Users / Re: Busbar It and operating temeratures
« Last post by admin on 07 June 2024, 11:11 »

The Ct factor only applies to the voltage drop calculations in Appendix 4 in BS767.

The software checks based on the limit specified by the user. In your case 70oC. Please see the image below too

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