ElectricalOM Support > ElectricalOM for New Users

I missed my saved symbols in new laptop license.


sorry probably an easy solution.

I created some symbols in my desktop license. But all those symbols are missing in new laptop license. Is there a way to transfer them?

Hello RCDGuy,

Actually there is no desktop or laptop licence. You just transfer your licence between different devices. The symbols are saved locally so you will not get them on a different device they were originally created.

But you can import them from any drawing. Go to symbols tab and right click. Select import option and select any of your drawings. EOM will list all the symbols on that drawing so you can import.


It would be a nice feature if these were able to be transferred somehow.
Depending on where these are saved, if that were a cloud drive, such as OneDrive (others are available), which was available and synchronised across the two computers, then EOM could be pointed to this location in the file structure on both devices?
Perhaps something in a "configuration file" to tell EOM where to look?

Good idea! We will make sure it will be included in the next updates


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